Co-managed primary and specialist care for aged care residents.

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For Residential Aged Care Facilities
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For Doctors
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For Residents
& Families

Our Purpose:
Connecting People.
Improving Health Outcomes.

Access Telehealth was built to serve a purpose. To connect people and improve health outcomes. As part of this, Access Aged Care was formed to provide residents in residential aged care facilities with greater access to doctors. We use a combination of technology and traditional services to meet this need.

What we provide aged care residents…

When you choose to join the Access Aged Care service you will have:

  • Greater access to doctors, provides peace of mind that your health needs are met
  • Purpose-built triage system, means the right doctor at the right time
  • Network of highly qualified and experienced clinicians, working together to improve health outcomes
  • Regular specialist input provides greater level of preventative care and expertise
  • Partnership with a benevolent fund covers all costs for eligible families

How it works (For Residents and Families)

Access Aged Care Model

Our model provides residents with an integrated clinical support team that is able to provide a strong focus on individual resident care and customer service.


Fully integrated service, including on site collection / pick-up, results to clinician


Prescription management and fulfilment (e.g., overdue alerts to trigger a repeat)

What makes the Access Aged Care model the right choice?

  • Comprehensive care plan and defined clinical protocols, to improve health outcomes for our aged care residents
  • Hybrid delivery model, with mix of face to face (General Practitioners) and telehealth (Specialist)
  • Consultation – supported by an in person Access Aged Care nurse providing continuity of care
  • Proven track record of delivering the best care for our residents (quality, outcomes, experience)
  • After hours and urgent support provided by a team of telehealth locum Specialists, General Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners


Access Aged Care is a collaborative care service.

Your GP, nurse and telehealth geriatrician work together to provide the very best of care and we encourage families to be involved.



Oversees resident care. Manages admission, care plans, family conferences and daily healthcare needs.



Provide specialist support on a regular basis via telehealth to co-manage daily healthcare needs.



Attends the residence, works closely with Care Manager and GP, Manages Geriatrician appointments.


What an amazing experience. I live interstate and was at the home providing respite for my brother who is dads primary carer. To be able to attend this appointment with his GP, nurse and geriatrician was amazing.

I was able to get a better understanding of his dementia and progression. We were able to collaboratively make decisions on his medication management. The specialist was so knowledgeable and very patient with me answering all my questions. Within a day the specialist had provided his report and I was able to go over this with my brother. What a great service.

Sharon Family member of Aged Care resident.

Excellent experience so far, in that the set up works perfectly and efficiently; be it the technology, or ensuring the follow up appointments are made, reminders sent, and prompt turnover of the correspondence to the GPs. Access Telehealth absorbs all the cumbersome work as the “middle man” which is an incentive for specialists.

No billing issues, which can be a hassle usually. This simplifies things for the specialists and of course is a bonus for patients.
The possibility and gratification of seeing rural or patients from remote areas and a feeling of direct connection and interaction with the GPs, which is not the case under usual circumstances.

Dr Gujadhur Renal Specialist

How to register (For Residents and Families)

If you would like to discover the benefits of using our services please call us at 1300 951 014.