Why do AAC conduct so many consultations?

The 2021 Royal Commission into Aged Care stated in its executive summary “those in residential aged care, do not consistently receive the health care they need” AAC has developed a unique software program that takes care requests from nursing home staff and allocates them to the most appropriate doctor based on the doctor’s expertise, their availability and their previous experience in caring for that individual resident. We only see residents when there is a clinical request to do so, or for preventative intervention. Some other medical providers see all residents every time the doctor visits the home, even though some of those residents have no medical issues to attend to. AAC only provides a medical appointment when there is a documented need for one.

Why have I been referred to a specialist?

Residents in age care facilities often have complex medical issues and specialist care is sometimes the best way to attend to these. The 2021 Royal Commission into Aged Care recommended that residents have “access to a core group of relevant specialists, including geriatricians, psych geriatricians and palliative care specialists”. AAC is the only medical service in Australia that runs a co-managed model incorporating regular specialist care, predominantly with geriatricians (aged care specialists), in conjunction with our GPs. As a result, our residents will receive a significant percentage of their care from our specialists, with the intent of optimising their health outcomes.

Can you assist me in understanding the credit and debits in my bank statement?

The amounts recovered for the Aged Care Foundation are calculated from the report Medicare provides to us about what was paid by them into your nominated account. We never debit any funds until at least 48 hours after this report, and we take the exact amount, to the cent every time. If you cannot see corresponding amounts being deposited, it is likely your Medicare bank account is a different one to the one you provided us. You can check these details by going to www.my.gov.au. It is recommended that you provide the same account to AAC that you provided to Medicare to ensure this process runs without any problems.