Specialist consults at your convenience

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For Clinics
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For Specialist
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For Patients

Connecting you with specialist healthcare.

Arranging a telehealth consultation with an Access Telehealth specialist is easy. Your GP will organise a referral, and we will work with you and our Specialist to facilitate the video consultation at a time that suits.


GP sends a referral

Your GP sends a specialist referral
to Access Telehealth


Contact us to discuss your
appointment options

Access Telehealth will discuss
appointment availability with you, to
ensure your consultation is convenient
for you and any family members who
may need to attend.
To get started, call 1300 88 60 77


Specialist Consultation Happens

The specialist consult is delivered
via our secure Access Telehealth
platform which can be run on a PC,
Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone.

Group 772

Family can participate

You have the option of including
family members in the consultation

Group 767

Reports are sent to the GP

The specialist reports back to the
GP with a comprehensive report
that supports collaborative care.