Allied Healthcare, delivered anywhere

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Occupational Therapy
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Speech Pathology
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Our dietitians are experts in food and nutrition. They provide guidance on how to appropriately manage diets and nutrition for people who may be affected by health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart disease, renal disease, gastro-intestinal diseases, and food allergies. A dietitian can help participants maintain their health and reduce their risk of developing chronic disease.

Feedback about us

Being able to connect with my counsellor from the comfort and safety of my own home has made life so much easier. No travel, no stress. Access Telehealth provide a great service for NDIS Participants.

John Petersen NDIS Participant

My experience with Access Telehealth has been excellent. The specialist consults have been very prompt, far quicker than awaiting an appointment with a local specialist, and they have provided a thorough and comprehensive assessment and treatment plan. The feedback that I have received from my patients has been great also, with many positive comments about not needing to leave the facility.

Referring GP Victoria

We’ve really been enjoying our relationship with Access Telehealth and can see how it is influencing the health status of our community. We are able to connect people with a specialist within a couple of weeks which is wonderful! As GPs we receive very comprehensive and useful reports back from the specialists in a short timeframe which is really helpful.

Get Well Clinic Victoria

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